Wow it is soooo exciting at the our home this last week!!! From our grandson staying a couple nights to getting the incubator ready and now the count down !!!!
Last Sunday after Dan and I attended church and it was nice and quite at home reflection about the word that was preached ....Believing in your heart ..Jesus is in our home, hearts for ever!!! We decided to her the incubator out and get eggs in it! So we did!!

After the very busy week with sick kids and staff it is amazing to be soooo blessed with the healing hand of Jesus! I am also a user of YoungLiving essential oils and I do use them as well. I love to be at work healthy with the children. We have been doing lot and lots of celebrating of Dr Seuss. I love it!!!!This week we have our fun wacky hat day and sock day PJ day I cant wait it will be fun!!!!
My hubby and I have been blessed with two sweet children to share our LOVE with yesterday we got two foster children and they are such a blessing I am soo excited to share the Love of Jesus with them as well.
I will post pics of the fun things we are doing with Dr Seuss this week along with some fun updates on the eggs!!!
Great post...I can't wait to see how your eggs come along!!! How fun!! What a blessing you are to these children...sharing God's love with them!
xoxo Gert